- Insurance. For large events (weddings, dances, etc.) you will need special event insurance covering third party liability, minimum $2 million. A copy must be provided in advance of the event.
Find a local insurance broker to help you. - Food. If food is to be served, check to see if you require a temporary food service permit.
- Generally, this is only required for a public event, & at least one food handler must be present who holds a foodsafe certificate. You must also comply with the legal requirements of the food premises regulation.
- Private events are those where tickets & invitations are sold or reserved in advance (no entry to the general public “on the door”, nor is the general public invited), although pre-purchased tickets may be picked up on the door at any time. It also includes events at which food is prepared or served by voluntary caterers for functions or gatherings limited to members of their own organization & invited guests.
- Alcohol. If alcohol is to be served, you will need a special event permit, obtainable from the BC Liquor & Cannabis Regulation Branch.
- You will also need PAL (Party Alcohol Liability) insurance. Find a local insurance broker to help you.
- Anyone selling or serving liquor must have a serving it right certificate. This is obtainable online.
- Betting & Gambling. If you intend to hold a draw or raffle as a fundraiser, you must comply with BC’s gaming rules, & you will need a gambling event licence. You can apply for one here.
Conditions applicable to all renters
1. The renter is responsible for any and all damage or injury to any person(s) or property resulting from his or her use of the hall facilities. Renters are strongly advised to hold their own 3rd party insurance in order to satisfy the possibility of any such claims.
2. The renter is responsible for the facility during the time of rental, and is required to prevent event abuse and to enforce facility rules and regulations. A hall representative has the right to enter the event at any time and may close down an event that poses a threat to the safety of the participants, the public, or the facility. If necessary, the hall representative will stop the serving of alcoholic beverages, and/or clear the facility and end the event. The hall representative may record actions (audio or visual) to report to the Lighthouse Community Centre Society Directors.
3. The renter is responsible for ensuring the time requested for rental includes all the time needed to set up tables and chairs, put up and take down decorations and other equipment, arrival and set up for catering service, entertainment and clean up. The Lighthouse Community Centre Society is run entirely by volunteers and does not have staff to assist with set up, clean up, or the operation of any activity or event in the hall.
4. The renter is responsible for assessing the suitability of the rented space for their activity.
5. Rental agreement is restricted to hall space only. The provision of any equipment in the facility is by way of courtesy only. No guarantee is made as to the availability, operation or effectiveness of any equipment in the hall.
6. The renter is responsible for clean up after use. This includes disposal of garbage, sweeping floors, wet mop floors if necessary, removal of any liquid, food or other incidence of spillage or stains, and replacing any tables, chairs or other equipment used. In addition, a janitorial fee may be applied at the discretion of the hall Board.
7. The renter is responsible for designating a person to meet with the hall representative for a walk-through inspection prior to the commencement of rental and at the conclusion of rental.
8. Booking is not confirmed, unless and until a signed rental agreement and any required damage deposit has been received. The damage deposit is separate from, and additional to the rental fee. It will be refunded after the event. Exceeding the booked hours of use for any reason, and any costs incurred for extra cleaning of the facilities or contents therein, either inside or outside, or damage to any part of the facility, including (but not exclusively) floors, walls, lighting, furnishings and other contents, or landscaping, will result in a deduction from or forfeiture of the damage deposit. The renter will be billed for damages not covered by the deposit. The damage deposit may be withheld and applied to outstanding rent or other fees. Rental rates are subject to change without notice. Confirmed, one-off bookings made prior to a published rate rise will be honored at the contracted price. Regular renters (e.g. weekly, monthly, etc.) will be subject to any rate increase. This is a condition of rental.
9. If issued with a key fob, the renter is solely responsible for its safe keeping, and its return after the event. It is strictly not transferable to any other person. Any damage deposit will not be refunded unless and until the key is returned, either in the drop box outside the main hall door, or in person to the office. If a damage deposit has not been levied, loss of key will be invoiced directly to the renter.
10. The renter is held responsible for security of the hall during their use. All doors must be locked and the alarm set when leaving the hall, unless another user is still in the building. It is the renter’s responsibility to check this. If not issued with a key fob, it is the renter’s responsibility to arrange with a keyholder to attend, before leaving the building.
11. All cancellations must be submitted in writing to the Lighthouse Community Centre Society. Submission by email to booking@lighthousehall.ca is acceptable.
12. Damage deposit will only be refunded if cancelled within 72 hours of booking. Cancellation after 72 hours will result in forfeiture of the deposit, unless the hall can be rented to another user for the same date.
13. Compensation for cancellation by the Lighthouse Community Centre Society at any time, or unavailability of the hall, for any reason whatsoever, will be strictly limited to a refund of damage deposit or rental fee already paid, or waiver of any fee not yet paid for that occasion.
14. If alcoholic beverages are to be sold or served at the event, a Special Event Permit (SEP) permitting the renter to sell, serve and consume alcohol is required. Permits are regulated by, and obtained from, the Liquor & Cannabis Regulation Branch. See top of page for more details.
15. A copy of the permit is to be submitted to the Hall Manager prior to the event, and one copy must be prominently displayed at the event.
16. For all events serving food to the public, the renter must obtain a Temporary Food Service Permit and have it posted in a conspicuous place in the hall on the day of the event. See top of page for more details.
17. It is a condition of rental that the renter agrees to defend, save, secure, indemnify, assume liability for, and hold harmless the Lighthouse Community Centre Society, its members, directors, owners, operators, employees, staff, assistants and volunteers, whether paid or unpaid, and other users, from any breach of any and all applicable Federal, Provincial, Municipal, District, City and Town laws, orders, notices, protocols and guidelines, and from any claims, actions, judgements, damages, theft, losses, and/or expenses, including legal fees, arising from losses incurred by or to any person or facility property, regardless of the basis, which pertain directly or indirectly to any disease, illness, injury, disability or damage to person or property under the renter’s control, howsoever incurred, whether by accident, omission, negligence or other cause whilst attending the facility.
18. For events as determined by the Lighthouse Community Centre Society, the renter is to hold a minimum $2 million liability insurance.
19. The renter is solely responsible for any licenses, permits or certificates which may be required for their use of the hall facility.
20. Renters and all users of the hall MUST take responsibility for, and comply with, any and all restrictions imposed by the Public Health Officer, and which are in force at the time of use. Full details can be found here. The Lighthouse Community Centre Society may impose additional restrictions at any time.
21. All decorations must be flame retardant. Use of glue, nails, tacks or staples is strictly prohibited.
22. Use only masking tape or painters’ tape to hang decorations.
23. No tape of any kind may be used on the floors.
24. Use of any type of glitter, confetti, rice, birdseed or similar is strictly prohibited on the premises, including outside.
25. Open flames & candles are strictly prohibited.
26. Tables and chairs are not to be removed from the building.
27. Smoking is not permitted anywhere within the facility, or within 10 metres of a hall entrance.
28. Facility rental cannot be transferred, reassigned, or sublet to a third party.
29. Animals are not permitted in the building, except accredited service dogs.
30. Young children attending events must be under the direct supervision/control of an adult 18 years of age or older, at all times, in all areas.
31. Renters are encouraged to take photographs of their event. A hall representative may take pictures but will not use them publicly or for promotion without express permission of the renter.
(Terms & conditions of rental last updated January 15th, 2025)